2013 is off with a Bang!

The calves are coming and we are finally cold enough to get out of the mud.  The Cows are doing their jobs, having calves with little to no assistance and keeping track of the babies.  It always brings a smile to your face when you get to see the little scamps out playing.  We shipped our commercial calves this past week and were satisfied with the sale.  The calves looked good and are probably happy to be headed someplace warmer.  Fair steers were chosen and will be seperated out later in the year.  As I work on the sale catalog I am reminded how quickly our year went and that we are already into 2013.  The temperatures have been staying very cold and while we like the solid ground the spring will be here before we are ready.  Mark your calendars for the bull sale, March 14th.  Catalogs will be shipped in a few weeks!

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